samira dang

Transforming the Instructional Landscape

UX Engineer/ Full-stack Developer/ Spring 2022

HTML/ CSS/ Javascript

Visit the website


In the spring of 2022, I spent 12 weeks with the Learning Space Management and Innovation Hub team, where I engineered Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL), a website that share resources on technology and learning space design across the university community.


Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) seeks to improve the university's academic spaces within the intersection of technology, teaching and learning space. With a growing body of initiatives, TIL wants to share what they've been working on and engage more staff, students and instructors in meaningful discussion on classroom design.

Final solution

Transforming the Instructional Landscape Website

An resource hub for the university community to learn about technology and learning space initiatives

Visit the website


Discover the growth of TIL in shaping the university's learning spaces and in turn, learning experience.

Design principles are what drive every TIL's initiative.

TIL Story

Discover the growth of TIL in shaping the university's learning spaces and in turn, learning experience.


What is going on in TIL?

Classroom Redesign

Get to know the changes before and after a space is redesigned, and learn about the thoughts behind them.

News and Reports

There's never a dull moment at TIL. Stay up-to-date with the latest. And the community can find ways to get involved with TIL here.

My Learnings

All in all, this was a memorable experience with lots of learning and growing. A few things I took away along the term:

& lastly, I gained confidence and fulfillment as an engineer.

The insurmountable support from my team always made my day and motivated me to do better. Shout out to everyone who shaped my spring!